Tuesday 11th February 2020
Valentine’s Day is on the horizon, bakers! Some of you enjoy indulging in the romance of the occasion, and others are a little too cool to buy into the commercial fever. Never ones to be left out, we here at Renshaw Baking enjoy spreading the love, and naturally, we think cake is the best way to do it! We’ve got a ton of Valentine’s recipes up on our site, but just to make things easier for you we’ve picked our top five for you to choose from.
Check out the selections below, and remember, self-love is just as important as any other kind, so even if you’re not celebrating this Friday, why not just bake one of these for yourself and enjoy it anyway? You deserve it.
Any easy choice for this occasion! These Royal Icing Flooded Heart Biscuits may seem like simple snacks, but thanks to our versatile Royal Icing, the possibilities are endless. The icing can be mixed with Rainbow Dust ProGels to give a variety of shades, and it sets smoothly and evenly to create a perfect canvas for all sorts of designs and messages. If you can’t say it with words, let the biscuits do the talking.
They’re super easy to make as well, and we’ve got a lovely video tutorial that proves it:
Very sweet, a little dense and enjoyable only occasionally. No, we’re not describing your partner – it’s this gorgeous Red Velvet Cake. Red velvet cakes feel like the dessert embodiment of indulgence. This decadently rich recipe includes our Vanilla Frosting between layers of springy, chocolatey, red sponge. And before you ask, yes – this cake can be your Valentine. We know we’re falling for it.
For those looking for a more arty or ornate way to celebrate their love, try this Valentine’s Ruffle Cake. You’ll need to get handsy with our Rose Pink Flower and Modelling Paste, as this is an intricate affair, but the effort will demonstrate your love, and it’s a gorgeous texture if you can pull it off correctly, as this picture below illustrates.
Absolutely worth your Valen-time. Sorry.
Honestly, you had us at marzipan. Our love for our Original Marzipan White is well documented at this point, but with the addition of chocolate and chopped roasted hazelnuts, theses Chocolate Marzipan Hearts are driving us…well, nuts. The texture is complex and satisfying, and the combination of flavours makes us swoon.
Definitely a departure from the other treats on this list, so if you’re looking for something a little different to celebrate with, then this is a great choice.
Last but not least, some classic cupcakes with some arty Valentine’s twists. These cupcakes, like the heart biscuits, are highly customisable: swap out the optional jam filling for buttercream, caramel or chocolate if that suits you – or go rogue and ditch the Red and White Ready to Roll Icing for different colours to create an abstract Valentine’s masterpiece. All love is unique, and your cupcakes should match that.
Or you could just follow our examples, because…they do look pretty good.
Those are just a small selection of our Valentine’s recipes. Click here for the whole list, and if somehow none of those take your fancy, make sure you let us know what you’re baking to celebrate Valentine’s Day on any of our socials. Find us at @renshawbaking.
Happy baking!