Back to School Lunchbox Bakes

Monday 5th September 2016

Ah back to school, a time where children are either really excited or really nervous and parents are running around making sure uniforms are clean, shoes are spotless and pencil cases are well stocked. With all that running around going on, there is barely time to bake. But fear not, we’ve assembled this list of lunchbox treats that are sure to get their school year off to a flying start!

Chalkboard Biscuits

Let’s start with the old school. Although chalkboards have become somewhat of a rarity in today’s classrooms, you can still bring back a bit of history with these little goodies. These chalkboard biscuits will go down a treat with both teachers and students alike. Why not decorate them with inspirational words, names of friends or even a reminder to do their chores when they get home? As famous chalkboard user and (we imagine) cake lover Albert Einstein once said “imagination is more important than knowledge”.

Mars Bar Tray Bake

Mars Bars + Rice Krispies + Chocolate = Tray Bake

That’s the sort of maths we like! This recipe was sent in by community member Zoe Jackson, and has become one of our favourites here at Renshaw. The classic combination of Mars Bars and Rice Krispies is a real winner and is so simple to make. They are also suitable for creating a big batch for freezing although we would recommend placing them in the freezer before applying the decoration chocolate, and then applying the chocolate as and when required. Either way, we are sure they’ll become a family favourite! Find out how to make them here.

Gold Star Biscuits

Back to biscuits now with these little stars (pun intended). Perfect for tightly packed lunch boxes, they can be taken anywhere and can be decorated in all different kinds of themes and colours. Not only that, but who doesn’t like receiving a star at school? We used a star cutter for the shape but if you don’t have one handy you could carve the shape out by hand or use any other cutter you fancy. They can also be used all year round for a wide variety of occasions such as Christmas tree decorations or maybe an edible necklace. The possibilities are endless! Get the recipe here.

Triple Chocolate Brownies

Originating from the USA, these have become a childhood favourite for many people. Nothing quite beats tucking into a gooey chocolatey square of heaven. With a variety of ingredients and toppings ranging from walnuts to peppermint, these can be tailored for every occasion. We’ve gone for the classic triple chocolate brownie but feel free to experiment with different tastes and textures and let us know what you come up with.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, then check out our latest recipes and have a go at our Great Renshaw Bake Off challenges for a chance to win some fantastic prizes.