Twitter’s Bake Off Best Bits 2016

Friday 23rd September 2016

So, we’re in week 6 of The Great British Bake Off and we’ve already had a healthy serving of drama, a generous dollop of baking-themed innuendo, and, as much as it pains us: #Bakexit.

Needless to say, Twitter’s been busy since the GBBO tent went up this summer and we’ve certainly enjoyed the wit, the baking banter and the drama!

We’ve compiled our top 10 Tweets from this year’s series so far. Let’s just say we can’t wait to see how the next few weeks fare…

10. It’s about as much drama as we can cope with too…

9. Don’t do it Mary!

8. If you could jump into a time-hopping Delorean which one detail would you change to avoid this reality?

7. The Jaffa cake caused some controversy in Liverpool

6. We want to go with you, Val! She is the ultimate fairy godmother @FluffCustard

5. Sorry Val, we love you but we won’t accept this icing faux pas…

4. We’re not sure how we’re going to get to the end of this series @theJeremyVine. But we will. #GBBO

3. We’re reeling at this news from @WelshGasDoc

2. Not typically what we look for in a biscuit either to be honest!

1. Number 1 had to be an innuendo – what else?

We hope you’ve enjoyed our Twitter Tour of Bake Off Banter, keep following us on Twitter for our weekly Bake Off updates and don’t forget to take part in our #RenshawBakeOff competitions.