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Royal Icing Piping

Tuesday 19th December 2017

Now we’ve all stared at Instagram for hours, in awe at magnificent cookies, cakes and other tasty treats, thinking I could never do anything like that. But as with any other skill, it takes time and patience, this is very much the case for royal icing piping. It’s a great skill to whip out, whether it’s to decorate a cake and add detail or to simply ice a shortbread biscuit, royal icing piping is a useful skill for any cake decorator to have. So we’ve pulled together a few recipes on royal icing to show you that royal icing isn’t just for 6 tiered all-white wedding cakes, it’s an easy skill that you can master at home.

Renshaw Royal Icing

Instead of slaving over a mixing bowl trying to perfect the consistency of royal icing why not grab a pot of Renshaw Royal Icing instead, just mix it up to achieve that lovely smooth texture. This product is also great for colouring, simply add a little pro gel for whatever colour you need and mix! It’s that simple. Too thick? Add a little water for flooding. It’s a great product for beginnings and professionals too when time is short.


Royal Icing Flooded Heart Biscuits

This video is great for learning how to flood biscuits, providing you with the main points for a successful ‘flood’. Once you get the hang of it, you can experiment further, use more than one colour and create multiple borders. You can add further decoration on top of the flooding, by either waiting until its dry for a defined design or adding it whilst it’s wet so it bleeds into the design. Don’t stress if all designs look different, that’s what’s great about cake decoration, you can eat the evidence!


Christmas Stocking Biscuits

We are well and truly stuck into December and Christmas is on the horizon. This recipe explains how to make these cute Christmas stocking biscuits, perfect for any festive gathering or to munch on whilst watching a classic Christmas movie. Tip: when decorating, use the same cookie cutter to cut your RTR icing, that way you’re guaranteed the same shape every time. You could also mix up the colours of the stocking and their decoration, why not add some metallic gold paint for a luxurious Christmas feel or even some Rainbow Dust stars.


Royal Icing Brush Embroidery Biscuits

This video shows you step-by-step, how to make these pretty embroidered flower biscuits, and it’s a lot simpler than you think. By simply wetting your brush and working quickly on your royal icing, you can achieve this lovely gradient in the icing and it’s a lot easier to spread (anything that makes our lives easier.) Why not try this method on a piece of paper before going straight onto icing, that way you can master the technique first and not waste any icing!


Gingerbread Fairy Door with Royal Icing

These gingerbread fairy doors can be adapted to any occasion, take the skills and transfer to different shapes. Flooding is a great skill to decorate biscuits with, create block colours or bleed them into each other, you are in 100% in control of what they look like. When mixing your royal icing with pro gels, only use a small amount as they’re super concentrated, and you can always add more for a bright shade. This design with also work with other kinds of biscuit.


Whatever your skill level, using royal icing to decorate biscuits is a great way to dress up your bakes. You can be as creative as you like and make the design what you want! Renshaw Royal Icing is easy to use and Rainbow Dust Pro Gels work great to achieve your desired colour. Give the recipes a try and tag us in the pics, we love to see your work!

Happy Baking ?