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You are here: Recipes > Barrel Sponge Cake

Barrel Sponge Cake

A firm, tall barrel cake for any birthday showcase.

Recipe by Ian Middle

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Time to make

Skill Level



16 people

Baking ingredients

  • 14 oz flour
  • 14 oz butter/margarine
  • 14 oz caster sugar
  • 7 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 6 tbsp milk

Decorating ingredients

  • 1 kg White Ready to Roll Icing


Step 1

Beat butter and sugar together until smooth.

Step 2

Add eggs one at a time, followed by vanilla and milk.

Step 3

Gently fold in flour ensuring no lumps are left behind. Then split between two lined tall 6 inch tins and bake at 160°c/ gas mark 3 for 1hr 25mins. Alternatively 6 shallow 6 inch tins for 25-30 mins at 170°c.

Step 4

Turn onto rack to cool. If baked in 2 tins, slice each cake into 3. Fill layers with favorite filling (not included in recipe). Cover sides in buttercream (not included in recipe) and leave in the fridge overnight to firm up.

Step 5

Knead the white icing until pliable and roll out until confident the icing will cover the top and sides of the cake.

Step 6

Use a rolling pin to lift the icing over the cake, cover the top and let the icing fall over the sides. Pull the pleats out of the icing and smooth down with your hands. Keep turning the cake and gently pulling out the pleats and smoothing down the icing as you go around.

Step 7

Once the sides of the cakes are covered, use a smoother or the palm of your hand to smooth over the cake and press down the bottom edges, then use a sharp knife to trim off the excess icing.