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Seaside Wedding Cake

Seaside themed wedding cake decorated with sugar paste starfish and shells.

Recipe by Emma Akers

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Time to make

Skill Level



16 people

Baking ingredients

  • 3 large eggs
  • 180 g margerine
  • 180 g caster sugar
  • 180 g self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp baking powder

Decorating ingredients

  • 300 g margerine
  • 600 g icing sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Raspberry jam
  • 250 g Renshaw Pink Ready to Roll Icing
  • 1 kg Renshaw White Ready to Roll Icing
  • 250 g Renshaw Baby Blue Ready to Roll Icing
  • Silver and gold lustre
  • Rainbow Dust Cream ProGel


Step 1

Mix and bake cake. Once cooled, trim and level off the layers of sponge.

Step 2

Mix buttercream then fill the cake with this and jam, then crumb coat and refrigerate.

Step 3

Once crumb coat is crusted, build up buttercream coating until smooth and even.

Step 4

Knead 500g of the white icing on a clean work surface until smooth and pliable, then knead in a small amount of Cream ProGel at a time until you achieve the desired shade. Dust the surface with a little icing sugar, then roll out your icing, turning it often so that it doesn't stick. Once the icing is rolled out enough to cover your cake, gently lift it over and smooth across the top and sides with your hands and a cake smoother. Trim off any excess icing from the bottom of the cake.

Step 5

Mix 1/2 the baby blue fondant with some white to get a paler blue, then split it again and mix with more white so you have 3 shades of blue. To mix the icing, knead both colours together until they become one shade and there are no cracks in the surface.

Step 6

Roll out the 3 lots of icing and cut in to 'waves'. Place around the cake as a border. You might need a little edible glue to attach the waves, or you can use a little cooled boiled water to stick them in place.

Step 7

Roll out about 30 pearls from the white fondant and then roll them in lustre.

Step 8

Make shells and starfish from mixtures of the pink, white and any left over blue then dust them with the lustre. You can use a mould to shape these, or model them by hand. If modelling the decorations, use images as a guide while you work.

Step 9

Fix the shells and pearls to the cake with edible glue or cooled boiled water.