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Marzipan Christmas Pudding Truffles

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Decorating ingredients

  • 200 g milk chocolate
  • 100 ml cream
  • 500 g Renshaw Original White Marzipan
  • Cocoa powder
  • White cooking chocolate
  • Sugar holly decorations


Step 1

Prepare your equipment; Bowl, spoon, teaspoon measuring spoon, small lined baking tray, rolling pin, icing sugar, 3” round cutter, petit four cases, paper piping bag

Step 2

Make the ganache by breaking the milk chocolate into small pieces. Heat the cream in the microwave until nearly at boiling point. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and mix until combined.

Step 3

Allow to cool, preferably overnight.

Step 4

Using the measuring spoon make individual rough portions on the lined baking tray. Place in the freezer until firm.

Step 5

Take out of the freezer and roll between the palms of your hands into smooth ball shapes. Place back in the freezer.

Step 6

On a clean dry work surface, knead 200g marzipan until pliable. Add 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and knead in well. Clean and dry the surface.

Step 7

Dust the work surface lightly with icing sugar and pin out the chocolate marzipan to approx. 3mm thick. Cut out 3” rounds to cover as many truffles as you have created. Remove the excess marzipan and reserve in a grip seal bag for later use on another project. Cover the discs with cling film so they stay fresh whilst waiting to be used.

Step 8

Remove one of the truffle balls from the freezer at a time and place on a plate lightly dusted with icing sugar. Cover with a Marzipan disc and smooth it down the sides. Once you reach the base lift up the covered ball and pinch the marzipan around the bottom until completely covered. Carefully snip off the excess marzipan with scissors. Roll the truffle between the palms of your hands to smooth over any creases and perfect the shape.

Step 9

Reserve to one side until all complete ready for finishing touches. Once you have practiced 1 or 2 you can take a couple of truffle balls out the freezer at a time to cover.

Step 10

Once all the balls are covered with marzipan, melt the white chocolate and half fill a piping bag. Snip off the end and drizzle a small amount on the top of the truffles to resemble the white sauce, adding the holly decoration to the top soon after.

Step 11

Once complete place the truffles in petit four cases.