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Grumpy ‘Seven Dwarfs’ Cake

Hand carved Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Vanilla sponge with buttercream filling.

By Lisa Hutchings

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Time to make

Skill Level



20 people

Baking ingredients

  • 450 g margarine
  • 450 g caster sugar
  • 450 g self-raising flour
  • 7 eggs
  • 2 tbsp vanilla extract

Decorating ingredients

  • 1000 g Renshaw White Ready to Roll Icing
  • 500 g Powdered icing sugar
  • 500 g Unsalted butter


Step 1

Beat the margarine and sugar together on high speed in your mixer until white and fluffy. Fold in the 7 beaten eggs one at a time, alternating with the flour until all is incorporated. Bake in 4 x 6-inch round tins in a 160°C fan oven for 45 mins or so.

Step 2

Colour various amounts of ready to roll icing in skin colour for the face and hands, maroon for his cloak, brown for his hat, white for his beard, and a small amount of black for eyes and eyebrows etc.

Step 3

After cakes have cooled, slice each one flat on the top and in half. Stick together with a layer of buttercream and shape the top into a dome shape. Put in fridge for at least an hour to set.

Step 4

Make arms and legs and set aside to firm up slightly. Ice the face first and mark in the smile and grumpy forehead lines with a modelling tool. Next, ice the body with the cloak colour. Stick the arms and legs to the cake.

Step 5

Place icing on for the hat and make it quite droopy. Roll out pea sized white pieces of icing in the palm of your hand in to long worm shapes and stick them along the edge of the hat for hair. Ice his white long beard and use a cocktail stick to make stripes down it to create a hair effect.

Step 6

Put his eyes and eyebrows on and finish and facial features off and tada!! You have a grumpy dwarf x