How To: Make Marzipan Fruit

Tuesday 17th April 2018

Marzipan is for life, people, though it is pretty lovely at Christmas. Whether using it for covering a traditional Christmas Cake, adding it to Chocolate Logs or getting creative with the marzipan modelling, this delicious, easy to use almond flavoured paste is perfect for all your bakes. Did we mention it pairs beautifully with chocolate flavoured icing and sponge too?


If you’re just getting started with marzipan however, marzipan fruit is the perfect place to start. Tiny, hand modelled parcels of almond flavoured fun, coloured and shaped to look like fruit simply using tools you have lying around the house. From here you’ll be creating marzipan cake scenes (and for the truly ambitious, life size sculptures) in no time.


We have shared all the hints and tips you need to recreate life-like marzipan apples and oranges. All you need is a pack of Renshaw Original White Marzipan, some Rainbow Dust ProGels in Green and Orange, Poppy Red Powder Colour, a thin paintbrush, a cheese grater (bear with us) and a little Renshaw Flower and Modelling Paste, Renshaw Belgian Milk Chocolate Confectionery Icing and Lincoln Green Ready to Roll Icing for additional decoration. Go on. Go nuts!


Marzipan Apples and Oranges


1. Colour half of 500g Renshaw Original White Marzipan with your Orange ProGel and half with Green ProGel. Knead until each colour is evenly mixed and the marzipan is pliable. Form 40g green marzipan balls into apple shapes and 35g orange balls into round orange shapes.

? Top Tip: When colouring with ProGels add small amounts of the colouring at a time as a little goes a long way.


Marzipan Fruit Step 1 Resized


2. Emboss a hole into the top of each marzipan apple and orange using the end of an artists paintbrush to create a place for the stalk.

Marzipan Fruit Step 2 Resized


3. Roll each orange over the surface of a cheese grater to emboss the skin texture. Emboss creases around the hole at the top of each orange with a knife.



4. Apply a rosy area on one side of the apples using a dry artists paintbrush and Rainbow Dust Poppy Red Powder Colour.

Marzipan Fruit Step 4 Resized


5. Knead together equal amounts of Renshaw Flower and Modelling Paste and Renshaw Belgian Milk Chocolate Ready to Roll Icing to form a pliable paste. Form a long thin sausage and cut into little apple stalks. Position in the holes at the top of each apple and fix with a little cooled boiled water.



6. Insert a tiny ball of Chocolate Icing into the hole on top of each orange and texture with a cocktail stick.


7. Knead together equal amounts of Flower and Modelling paste and Renshaw Lincoln Green Ready to Roll Icing to form a pliable paste. Form teardrop shapes from pea-sized balls of the paste and flatten to form a leaf shape. Shape the leaf edges with a cocktail stick, emboss the veins with a knife and fix on top of the apples using cooled boiled water.

Marzipan Fruit Step 5 Resized


Leave your marzipan models for up to 24 hours, depending on how firm you want them to be, to make them easier to handle when applying to a decorated cake or bake.

If you’re in the mood for marzipan and orange but want a bit more chocolate our Chocolate, Orange and Marzipan Roulade might be the perfect treat for you.