Colour Your Mother’s Day With Funfetti Cakes

Thursday 7th March 2013

Mother’s Day can start to lose some of its sparkle after years of cards and chocolates, so why not liven up this year’s celebrations with some wildly colourful funfetti baking!

The original Funfetti was a white cake mix made by Pillsbury that looked as if it’s been sprinkled with coloured confetti. However since the craze took off innovative bakers, particularly in the USA, have been putting their own spin on an old classic by adding coloured discs and sprinkles into their cakes and bakes.

Kids and adults alike love the rainbow-coloured treats, and they taste amazing too. We’ve trawled the web for some of the best funfetti ideas and recipes out there, so you can add a little extra fun to this year’s Mother’s Day celebration, whether baking with children or making a colourful treat for the main lady in your life.

Simple Funfetti Cake


This gorgeously simple funfetti tray bake recipe comes from the wonderful baking blog What Katie’s Baking and is a great way to get started in the colourful world of funfetti baking. There’s a full recipe at the link above… just look at those rainbow sprinkles spilling over the frosting too! A perfect Mother’s Day baking project for little ones.

Funfetti Rainbow Cupcakes

Funfetti Rainbow Cupcakes

This funfetti cupcake recipe from the wonderful Bakerella blog produces perfectly fluffy, sweet little cupcakes with amazing cloud and rainbow cookie decoration! The rainbow on top is an inventive and cute reference to all the colourful little sprinkles baked into the cupcake itself.

Funfetti Cake Batter Waffles


These cake batter waffles with funfetti could be a real treat for breakfast on Mother’s Day, or for dessert later in the day. This recipe from Lovin’ from the Oven is a simple and delicious take on the funfetti theme.

White Chocolate Funfetti Cookies

White Chocolate Funfetti Cookies

This gem of a recipe from The Kitchen is my Playground uses standard cake mix and instant white chocolate pudding mix plus funfetti for some sensational cookies. Just look at those colours! What are your Mother’s favourite flavours that could be easily jazzed up with a sprinkle of funfetti?

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Classic Funfetti

Classic Funfetti

We couldn’t resist including this slightly different take on the classic funfetti cake recipe from Laura Ann Craig’s beautiful blog the velvet doe. This cake looks divine and originally made as a birthday cake for one lucky lady, this would make a colourful addition to any Mothering Sunday dinner!

Sweetapolita Funfetti Cupcakes

Sweetapolita Funfetti Cupcakes

Sweetapolita is one of our favourite baking blogs, and this cupcake recipe with vanilla sugar and shortening would make a lovely Mother’s Day gift! While you are there don’t miss the wonderful funfetti layer cake with whipped vanilla frosting too.

If you’re feeling ‘extra creative’ why not combine funfetti with our delightful Marble Cake recipe or try decorating our Viennese Whirl Biscuit Pops with a sprinkle of fun this Mother’s Day too.

Win a Limited Edition Apron this Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, we’re all about the baking memories, especially those shared with our lovely Mums.

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All you have to do is tell us your favourite baking memories with your Mum on our Facebook competition tab (or if entering by mobile use this link). Simply provide your anecdote (plus answer a few other related questions) and you’ll be in with a chance of winning one of 100 available Renshaw aprons, perfect for getting messy in the kitchen for those future mother and child baking projects.

Featured image: Flickr