Cake and Bake Show London Success

Tuesday 17th September 2013

One long weekend and a big sugar paste love in with the happy cake decorators of London (and beyond) makes us folks here at Renshaw very happy indeed.  With over 28,000 people attending The Cake and Bake Show down at Earl’s Court last weekend, we had a fab old time talking ready to roll icing, demonstrating sugar paste and marzipan models and keeping a close eye on the incredible talent on display at the Cake Catwalk competition and Wedding Cake of the Future display.

Renshaw Stand - Resized


Over on the Renshaw stand, taking close to our full range of coloured ready to roll icings, the flower and modelling paste and fuchsia pink proved particularly popular, selling thousands of 250g packs to the creative cake decorators in attendance at the show, not to mention our new multipacks in neon and natural colours and activity packs for Christmas and Halloween! With marzipan samples doing the rounds and tastings of our Snip and Swirl piping frosting – it is National Cupcake Week after all – we proved quite the draw.

Sugarcraft Academy - Resized

The Renshaw Sugar Craft Academy was a real highlight of the weekend, with hundreds of people attending demonstrations and workshops with Mich Turner demonstrating perfect royal icing piping and Juliet Sear creating an impactful baby blanket cake. Claire Bailey from our very own applications team was on hand, showing how to make delightfully bright neon flowers, and Frances McNaughton wowed with her intricately modelled fairies. With eager sugar crafters gathering round to get a glimpse, expect to see more Renshaw School related activity at future shows.

Frances McMaughton Fairy - Resized

The competition we ran with the Cake and Bake Show – offering one lucky winner the chance to win a year’s supply of ready to roll icing – proved incredibly popular too, with thousands of entries over the weekend from those hoping to be rolling in sugar paste for the year to come! We’ll be announcing the winner later today, but all in all, we had one amazing weekend, filled with seasoned professional and new cake decorators alike. Bring on Cake International this November at Birmingham’s NEC!